Honey, be a damn diva

I have recently taken the plunge and changed to a menstrual cup, and honey if I can do it anyone can, and I freaking LOVE IT!!
The first brand I chose to try out is the divacup

Though first to understand, you need a little medical history.

When I got pregnant with my first child I went to see the baby doctor. Upon examination she says 'oh, hmmmm' you know when someone is down there and says something like that it never just sits well, especially when a baby is growing inside of it. 
I was sent to have an ultrasound immediately to confirm before I was told anything, and boy did they confirm

I was born with some extras, extra female reproductive organs that is. I have a didelphys uterus, 
Didelphys Uterus - every fetus actually has 2 separate organs at the beginning, at around 9 weeks they go through a forming of the unions type deal where these two separate sides form into one. The fetus can have a partial or complete failure of this process.

In most cases in which this occurs there is 2 uterus that share a cervix or have individual cervix, and a single vagina, but in the rarest forms, they have 2 separate uterus, 2cervix, and 2 vaginas. 

Along with this your kidneys start off as one, it is normally a half size bigger and separates into the two individual kidneys. Most often with the didelphys uterus, they will have one slightly larger kidney, that functions just like normal.

Not only do I have this lovely rarity but I have the rarest form of it, like .1% of woman have what I have.

There are those who have what is called a bicornuate, a septate, which is just a horn type uterus off the primary uterus. These are usually removed surgically because they present certain medical issues. There are those where there is no concern so they are left alone, and those like mine where surgery is not ever an option.

With this comes a long history of very different monthly menstrual cycles to which you have to accommodate individually. every other month is different. A tampon is always uncomfortable no matter the size, and a pad is always used as a backup because you can never just know what side it is coming from and insert into that particular side. It is literally all a guessing game.

I have never been able to take birth control pills because they don't work for two, UIDs also don't work for two, but infertility or trouble conceiving usually come along with this. 

With the divacup it seems to be possible that it could sit just below the double vagina openings and work to catch it, I can't say for certain as I am still very much researching this. BUT I did go ahead and dive in and give it a go. I have experienced slight leaking so for this go I am wearing a pad for security purposes until I know that I have it down. It is very hard to remove because it tends to move up the longer it is in and we have very small openings, smaller than normal. 

So at this point I honestly am not sure it works any better than a tampon but it has definitely lightened the cramps, and the more I use it the easier it gets, and honestly I am not using a tampon that I have no idea what it is made of, the ingredients in it, and never have to pull it out dry. Which as a female, you'll know, that shit is very fucking painful.

Regardless, yes it is intimidating, and yes the first few times are scary as you become very familiar with your most intimate parts and not in that good kind of way, and you'll probably be wrist deep in and covered in blood but trust me it gets easier. and you get a little less bloody each time. 

For those who have read it gets lost and has to be surgically removed,....no, just no. Your vaginal wall is approximately 2-3 inches long, that's it, and then it comes to a halting stop, like a dead end road. there is no exit point beyond that. It literally cannot get lost up in there. And as most of us don't like to admit, you've lost at least 1 tampon in your lifetime, at least the one time. I have once, the string fell off, I thought maybe I had taken it out, put one in and pushed that other way up there. Trust me, you know within a few days that this has happened, the smell is undeniable, and you'll begin to feel it the longer it is in there. Your body realizing there is a foreign object sitting up in there will begin to contract and push that lost lady back down. 

Seriously it is at least worth a try one good time, I can almost guarantee you won't regret it, and if you do at least you can say you tried

Below I'm going to post a few sites that were quite helpful in my research and decision to try it out.

I also have a different brand in two different sizes on the way, as well as I'll be purchasing some that were given to me from the quiz below. I'll keep you updated on those.




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