Honey, be a damn diva
I have recently taken the plunge and changed to a menstrual cup, and honey if I can do it anyone can, and I freaking LOVE IT!! The first brand I chose to try out is the divacup Though first to understand, you need a little medical history. When I got pregnant with my first child I went to see the baby doctor. Upon examination she says 'oh, hmmmm' you know when someone is down there and says something like that it never just sits well, especially when a baby is growing inside of it. I was sent to have an ultrasound immediately to confirm before I was told anything, and boy did they confirm I was born with some extras, extra female reproductive organs that is. I have a didelphys uterus, Didelphys Uterus - every fetus actually has 2 separate organs at the beginning, at around 9 weeks they go through a forming of the unions type deal where these two separate sides form into one. The fetus can have a partial or complete failure of this process. In most cases in...