For me,

For me, a diet wasn't enough to keep me on target, it wasn't enough for me to change to make the changes necessary to stay on track. For me, I needed a lifestyle change, I needed something I believed in, it had to be more than just losing weight I needed something to rid my life of toxins.
This had been something I had been working towards for a year, slow intracit moves, directed towards results, and end goal, a destination.
For me, honestly, it all started with my hair. My first step was going no poo or curly girl, realizing what those ingredients masked in the form of beautiful scents and shine were chemicals that hid their harm. To read and realize what I had been doing to my hair since birth almost was gut wrenching. That is when u began a search for peace, seeking harmony with my soul and mind. Next was yoga, this was a form of me being able to let go of so much negative energy and toxins that had weighed my soul down for far too long and I desperately needed them gone.
When researching yoga I happened across Buddhism, which then started my search for releguin but soon realized i need a religion to belong to i need spirituality. There is a huge difference in the two. At this point I knew I had found my path, the beginning of my lifelong journey to feel at peace, to feel I belong to something somewhere.
For me, I had known this was where I was longing to arrive, but it's a huge decision, it is a complete and total lifestyle change, one that I had to be 100% ready for and ready to devote to. I was finally ready, Friday I went grocery shopping with two lists, theirs and mine, and this morning I started the journey. I cannot wait to see what this lifestyle choice brings to me.
This isnt something you just do, you have to have the reasons and the why and passion. No animal should suffer to such great horrific pain and deaths for me, who am i?! Why do I have the right to decide these things for myself when we have what we need to live off of without those things. Its becoming such an issue we are causing animals to go extinct, I cannot fathom the idea that I could contribute to these things.
For me, besides the animals, compassion, peace, but my health. I need to live a long healthy life, and I need to do so with a clear conscious and this, for me is the way to that.
I finally feel like I belong, my soul has found its happy place.


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